Ignite Legal

phone 877-604-0162
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  1. Step 1 Enter trademark information
  2. Step 2 Review and confirm
  3. Finished Print your receipt

Your contact information

This person will be our primary contact during the Trademark process.
Where can we reach you?
Optional, but recommended.

Trademark information

This can be the name of your company, the name of a product, or the name of a service.

Trademark Translation

If your trademark is a foreign language translation of an English word please provide definition or English word. If your trademark is a made up of a word with a hidden meaning or a unique combination of more than one words, please provide meaning and/or definition. Please provide any other information that you deem applicable in determining the meaning or definition of the trademark.
A translation of your trademark name, if it is not in english

Description of Goods and/or Services

Please describe the Goods and/or Services sold in connection with your trademark.
Example: Clothing, T-Shirts, Pants, Etc.

Status of the Trademark

Example: January 1, 2009
Example: January 1, 2009

Applicant Information

For individuals, enter the country of citizenship. For organizations, enter the state and country of organization.

Retainer Agreement (Scope of Work)

To form the attorney-client relationship and for legal work to begin, you and the attorney will execute a retainer agreement / engagement agreement. Please note that this agreement is placed here simply for your reference. Our law office will provide you with a formal copy upon your completion of this legal service application.
Representation Agreement (PDF)


Trademark Registration Application Package $495
USPTO fee $250 per Class
(USPTO fees will be collected later and are not included in your payment now)
Total $495
Payments securely processed by USAePay


You will have a chance to review your order before it's final.